Lady and the Tiger

Here are the doors from the last scene of the short story

My class did an assignment about the short story The Lady and the Tiger by Frank Stockton, to find this story, just search “The Lady and the Tiger. Also I seriously recommend this story the author has a wonderful way of telling the story from a cool point of view. The story ends with the reader deciding or imagining how it ended, so I wrote the ending, how I thought it would’ve ended.

As he picked himself up more confidently than before, and trotted towards the right door as he approached, now seeming huge as this decided his fate he slowly slid his hand over the handle of the door and swung it open. There stood the fair lady waiting, smiling a sigh of nervoigh relief and looked up gratefully at the semi-barbaric daughter, who did not return the look. After that day the semi-barbaric daughter started to plot on how to sabotage the relationship between her lover and her enemy. However many tries she took the king caught on and stopped her. Over the next few years she had be crazier and crazier, obsessing over him. She was avoided by everyone as everyone was scarimly afraid of the now full barbaric insane daughter of the semi-barbaric king. Meanwhile the lover of the semi-barbaric daughter was having troubles of his own, he had been trying to find a way to break up with the semi-barbaric daughter’s enemy. But he didn’t want to go back to the semi-barbaric daughter, as now he knew what she would turn into if she didn’t get her way. So he was stuck in the cycle because if he broke up with her enemy she would have him, and if he stayed with her lover then he would never be happy. So this was their life now, the daughter of the semi-barbaric king still obsessed with him and he, who was the most unhappy as he lost his soulmate, he ended up hurting the king’s daughter even more, and doesn’t love the semi-barbaric daughters enemy as she does. So this one decision made by the king drove his daughter mad, he didn’t love his arranged wife, and she loved him. He had ruined 3 lives that day, but did he care? No.


So sorry this is really late 😭, but here it is.  Also sorry the pictures aren’t that great.

Step 1, First you want to make a light sketch with pencil and shape you drawing and you can erase as many times as you want. When you have the shape you want then you go to step 2

Step 2, next you need to get he color for the apple and pinpoint where you want to light to hit the apple, if you can see I drew a LIGHT circle where I want it. Also I made a dark area depending on where my light spot is next step 3

Step 3,  Were starting to fill in the rest of the apple and blending the dark side with the light side by making a medium hard middle.

Step 4, the we want to make our leaf and stem with whatever shade of brown or green you want.

Step 5, you want to make sure that the dark medium and light layers are blended together so the dark side gets lighter and lighter towards the light side. Also if you want you can make a shadow but you don’t need to and your shadow will be different depending on the shape of your apple.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Hope to see you again!

My Family’s Thanksgiving and How Covid-19 Affected Those

One Thanksgiving that almost always happens is that usually my grandparents come over.  Covid-19 affected this in the way that since my family wanted to keep them safe we decided to keep them home.

Another tradition is that my grandma always makes the BEST stuff when she comes over for Thanksgiving. But since our family decided they better not come, my mom and I baked everything! I made some stuff on a call with my grandma.

One last tradition is when our grandparents didn’t come over, we celebrated at my great Grandpa Mo’s house. This was affected by Covid because now we can’t travel.